Generic Login Account
Log in to the Drop Box at UW DoIT Digital Publishing & Printing Services by using:
Login: dpps
Password: printing
Departments with private drop boxes can use their dropbox login to access their groups drop box.
FTP Upload Link
Click on this link to transfer an individual file or Zipped Folder to our Upload Form.
Uploading a Folder of Files requires Compressing to Zip format
In order to upload more than five files, you must compress your files or folder of files using a ZIP compression. Compressing your file will allow the upload form to select the Zipped File. Windows XP and Macintosh OS X can easily zip files using a simple right click.
Windows: Select your Folder or Files. Right Click and select “Send to Compressed (zipped) Folder.” Upload your newly created zip file.
Macintosh: Select your Folder or Files. Right Click and select COMPRESS. Upload your newly created zip file.